Andrew Cheung
Google's recent announcement of Quantum Supremacy means that the threat quantum computers pose to current encryption is closer than ever before. Canadian Company 01 Communique claims its product IronCAP is designed to stop attacks by quantum computers as well as today's traditional computers. Andrew Cheung , 01 Communique's CEO is so confident in IronCAP that he is holding a hackathon challenge with a $100,000 prize.
Andrew Cheung enthusiastically describes the hackathon challenge, "We are putting our money where our mouth is. We know how strong IronCAP's encryption is and we are willing to bet $100,000 on it. Top student hackers and cybersecurity companies will be attempting our challenge. We say, bring it on!"
The Company expects competitors from around the world to challenge its quantum-safe encryption. Beginning on Thursday, Nov. 6th at 7pm , competitors will be given 30 days to crack IronCAP's code. A cash prize of $100,000 will be awarded to the first person if anyone is able to break the encryption.
An Innovation Celebration Event will be held in the afternoon of November 6th where information about the hackathon challenge will be revealed! Innovative people working in tech along with hackers, researchers, computer scientists and students are encouraged to attend the event. Register for the event online at https://tiny.cc/nov6ironcap.