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Quantaneo, the Quantum Co Quantaneo, the Quantum Co

European patent application proceeds to substantial examination stage

Archer Materials Limited (“Archer”, the “Company”) (ASX:AXE) is pleased to announce that the Company’s exclusively licenced European patent application (“EP Patent Application”) filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (“PCT”) to protect and commercialise intellectual property associated to the 12CQ quantum computing chip materials technology (“IP”), has now proceeded to the substantial examination stage in Europe .

Press release from Archer
May 12th 2020 | 490 readers

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
The EP Application has significantly progressed in the European patent granting procedure. The next steps involve procedural matters related to formal compliance and patent examination immediately prior to the patent being able to be granted for protection in Europe .
Archer holds an exclusive licence to the IP, with patent applications in Australia, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Europe and the US, which are all currently undergoing patent granting procedures, with key progress in the patent applications’ prosecution to be released to ASX.

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