
Quantum Morning Coffee - 2019/05/13

Featuring Airbus, HKUST, SCNU, Quantum.Tech...

May 13th 2019 | 252 readers

Your press review from Quantaneo

Airbus has published a detailed description of the problems it wishes to submit to the wisdom of the quantum developers who are participating in its challenge. On the agenda: aircraft climb optimization, aircraft loading optimization, wingbox design optimization - part of the fuselage to which the wings are attached, etc. There is something for everyone!
Research on quantum data storage is progressing, although the subject remains a huge challenge. To hope to have complete quantum computers, they will need to have the same type of memory. Until now, the error rate of quantum memories was so high (50%) that the experiments were inconclusive.
But researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the South China Normal University (SCNU) have reportedly succeeded in creating photonic quantum memories with an 85% efficiency rate!
To be noted in your agenda, on September 10 and 11, in Boston, an important conference on quantum computing applications, Quantum.Tech. Quantaneo will of course be attending, in order to share with you the announcements and perhaps “indiscretions” collected during this event! It is also an excellent signal for the market that a non-technical conference is being organized on quantum computing, and that it focuses on the market for commercial applications. The first of many, certainly.

Philippe Nieuwbourg is an independent trainer and analyst, a specialist in data analysis for several… Know more about this author
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