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Quantum Technology – Baden-Württemberg Network Established

Quantum technology is one of the most important key technologies of the 21st century. In order to strategically position Baden-Württemberg as a research location in this forward-looking area, leading research institutions and institutes have joined together to form a nationwide network. The competence network “Quantum Technology – Baden-Württemberg” (QT BW ) is intended to give the location greater visibility and weight in international competition.

Press release from University of Ulm
March 19th 2020 | 1233 readers

The coordinators of the Competence Network for Quantum Technology Baden-Württemberg (from left): Prof. Joachim Ankerhold (University of Ulm) and Prof. Tilman Pfau. Image courtesy of University of Stuttgart.
The coordinators of the Competence Network for Quantum Technology Baden-Württemberg (from left): Prof. Joachim Ankerhold (University of Ulm) and Prof. Tilman Pfau. Image courtesy of University of Stuttgart.
The Baden-Württemberg Foundation funds cross-location research projects from this network with five million euros. The QT BW receives an additional one million euros from the Ministry of Science and Art to finance the network activities(MWK) Baden-Wuerttemberg. The network partners include seven state universities as well as a Fraunhofer and a Max Planck Institute .

The coordinators of the Competence Network for Quantum Technology Baden-Württemberg (from left): Prof. Joachim Ankerhold (University of Ulm) and Prof. Tilman Pfau. Image courtesy of University of Stuttgart.
“With this platform, we want to bundle cross-location basic and application-oriented research in the field of quantum technologies and promote exchange with the high-tech companies in the region,” explains Professor Joachim Ankerhold. The head of the Institute for Complex Quantum Systems is one of the two coordinators of the quantum network. Professor Tilman Pfau, head of the 5th Physics Institute , also belongs to the dual networkat the University of Stuttgart.

“We are working on turning the often competitive relationship between the locations into a collective actor. Because together and with our combined strength, we are more successful in international competition, ”said Pfau on the joint mission. One of the most important tasks of the nationwide network is to set up an international guest and visitor program. In addition, (post) doctoral students should be given the opportunity to research and work with other network partners over a longer period of time. What makes it special: The youth exchange program also involves local industrial partners. Regular network meetings and so-called status workshops are intended to promote cross-location communication and to probe points of contact for further joint projects. A branch is set up to organize day-to-day business. This is located on Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQ ST ), a joint research center of the Universities of Ulm and Stuttgart, which is one of the leading in the field of quantum science in Germany.

The universities of Freiburg, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Constance, Stuttgart, Tübingen and Ulm belong to the network partners of the competence network “Quantum Technology Baden-Württemberg” (QT BW ). Other partners are the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics in Freiburg (IAF) and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Stuttgart (FKF).

Baden-Württemberg wants to expand its position as a global player

The central mandate of the quantum network is to promote the research, development and application of quantum technologies. “We need an overarching umbrella strategy in order to fully develop the potential of this future technology. Numerous spin-off companies in the USA but also in Europe are evidence of the high level of dynamism in this field, which is also extremely important for the high-tech country of Baden-Württemberg ”, Pfau and Ankerhold agree.

The network’s focal points include five central topics: quantum sensors, quantum optics, quantum control, and quantum materials and quantum simulation. The scientists assume that, especially in the field of quantum sensor technology, concrete applications can be expected in the next few years; for example in the field of medical imaging and materials science. Research institutions from Baden-Württemberg are already among the leading international in this area. But the network partners also have outstanding international expertise in the other fields of quantum research. “The conditions are ideal for Baden-Württemberg to secure its position as a global player in quantum technology and to expand it even further in the future,” says the physicist.

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