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Quantaneo, the Quantum Co Quantaneo, the Quantum Co

Credit Agricole continues its evaluation of quantum computing.

Resumed and translated by ChatGPT
January 29th 2023 | 703 readers

Source Wikipedia - CC
Source Wikipedia - CC
Crédit Agricole, a French bank, has partnered with Pasqal, a quantum computer manufacturer, and Multiverse Computing, a Spanish firm specializing in quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms, to conduct successful experiments using quantum computing in finance and banking. The experiments aimed to evaluate the potential of an algorithmic approach inspired by quantum computing and quantum computers in the valuation of financial products and the assessment of credit risks. The experiments showed improvements in computing time and memory footprints and pave the way for quantum computing to be used in real-world applications of derivatives valuation and credit analytics. The bank believes that the tipping point for widespread adoption of quantum computing is less than two years away.

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