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​Closing Quantum Cybersecurity Gap an Imperative: Industry and Government to Warn at Toronto Quantum Summit

Leading Experts in Quantum and Autonomous Security to Unveil Breakthrough Quantum-Resistant Encryption and Blockchain Technology.

Press release from NXM Labs
April 22nd 2019 | 176 readers

Photo by Zia Syed on Unsplash
Photo by Zia Syed on Unsplash
More than 100 senior-level participants from government, private industry, universities and investment firms are expected to gather at Quantum Summit – to be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre April 24-25 – to heed the warning of security experts of the impact quantum computers will have on personal privacy and data security, as well as solutions that can and need to be implemented immediately.

The two-day event, keynoted by Lieutenant General Harry Raduege, USAF, (Ret) former head of US DoD Cyber Operations and Defense, will address the "quantum gap" with additional high-impact sessions from IBM, Amazon, Sprint, ARM, Xanadu, leading universities and others, including NXM Labs, which will unveil a breakthrough quantum-resistant software technology that can protect today's computers and systems against future quantum attacks, as well as safeguarding blockchain and other critical applications.

"A very serious gap exists today in our ability to encrypt data and ensure privacy, against a future quantum computer that will have the ability to crack our existing encryption systems in the blink of an eye," said General Raduege. "Any organization serious about future proofing their systems against quantum-based attacks should be at this event."

In addition to the agenda and presentations, Quantum Summit will serve as a launch pad for interacting with the leaders doing fundamental security research, developing hardware, software and cloud solutions that must address the looming specter of quantum computing which stands to undermine the security protocols and encryption protections of existing information technology infrastructure around the world.

Quantum Summit is organized by the Center for Autonomous Security and Data Integrity (CASDI), NXM's corporate research laboratory. For more information, and to register, visit

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