​Google Quantum Project Leader to Keynote RMACC’s Tenth Annual High Performance Computing Symposium

Dr. John Martinis, team lead on the Google project that achieved Quantum Supremacy, will keynote the 10th annual Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium’s (RMACC) High Performance Computing Symposium next May in Colorado.

Press release from RMACC
January 7th 2020 | 455 readers

Recognized as one of the top regional events on high performance computing, the RMACC’s annual event, which brings together faculty, researchers, industry leaders and students from throughout the Rocky Mountain Region, is scheduled for May 19-21 on the campus of the University of Colorado Boulder.

Martinis’ keynote address continues the RMACC Symposium’s tradition of showcasing the latest high performance computing achievements in both education and industry. His talk will focus on the successful effort – started in 2014 – to build the first useful quantum computer and achieve quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor.  Quantum supremacy is the feat of being able to solve problems that are seemingly impossible, even for the greatest supercomputers.

Based at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Dr. Martinis holds UCSB’s Wooster Chair in Experimental Physics.  In 2014 he was awarded The London Prize for his pioneering work on superconducting qubits, and in 2010 he and colleague Andrew Cleland were named for the “Science breakthrough of the year” for the first demonstration of the quantum ground state in a mechanical oscillator system.

Martinis also will lead a tutorial session on quantum computing as part of his appearance at the Symposium.

Prior to his teaching and research work in California, Martinis did research at the Commissariat Energie Atomic in Saclay, France, and in the Electromagnetic Technology division at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder.

Becky Yeager, the RMACC’s executive director, said this milestone 10th anniversary year Symposium will provide a wide array of hands-on and lecture style tutorials and educational, professional and student-focused panels.

“Researchers and faculty can learn about using computational science in the laboratory or classroom,” she said.  “And students can learn about career opportunities as well as showcase their own research by entering a poster competition.”   Student scholarships to help cover registration fees and travel costs will be available thanks for generous support from industry sponsors.

To learn more about the 2020 HPC Symposium, how to enter the poster competition, or how to register, visit: www.rmacc.org/hpcsymposium

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