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Quantaneo, the Quantum Co Quantaneo, the Quantum Co

Quantum Morning Coffee - 2019/09/03

Featuring Switzerland, Swiss Quantum Hub, Japan, Australia, Archer Exploration Limited...

September 3rd 2019 | 1403 readers

Your press review from Quantaneo

Switzerland is also investing in quantum computing, through an original approach, the Swiss Quantum Hub, which combines a Think Tank, an incubator for start-ups, as well as business services. Based in Geneva, the organization's website is already very complete, but we would have liked to know more about the team and the founders of the Swiss Quantum Hub. In particular, whether they are linked to a technology or a supplier.
Japan has set a target: 2025. A little over five years to upgrade cryptographic systems, and make them resistant to possible attacks by quantum computers. Japan's objective is not to lag behind the United States and China, and therefore not to be dependent on their technologies. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication has allocated a budget of USD 14 million in 2020 for research and development in this area.
One of the challenges of quantum computing is to get out of the laboratories. For the moment, no quantum computer can be manufactured, sent by DHL, and installed in your office... one of the problems is of course its operating temperature.
The Australian company Archer Exploration Limited is working on the subject, and has succeeded in positioning a carbon qubit on a simple silicon wafer.

Philippe Nieuwbourg is an independent trainer and analyst, a specialist in data analysis for... Know more about this author

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