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Quantaneo, the Quantum Co Quantaneo, the Quantum Co

Quantum Morning Coffee - 2019/09/05

Featuring Goldman Sachs, USA, SAP...

September 5th 2019 | 1511 readers

Your press review from Quantaneo

It's a bit of a dream job, but it's clearly not for everyone. And in the absence of sunny beaches, it is the Manhattan skyline that will be your daily life. Anyway, algorithms and qubits will keep you too busy to think about tanning.
And it is Goldman Sachs that is looking for its research manager dedicated to quantum computing. You will be in charge of developing quantum computing applications within the bank, as well as evangelizing customers on these same uses. You will lead a team in charge of quantum computing. The salary is not specified, but it should be sufficient....
Much research depends on the availability of certain commodities. This is also the case for quantum computing, which depends in part on the availability of liquid helium, particularly to maintain its systems at a very low temperature. But America depends heavily on foreign countries for its supply of liquid helium. Nothing on earth can replace liquid helium today, and the New York Times questions the geopolitical aspect of this gas. Is there a risk that quantum computer research and development in the United States will be curtailed if there is a shortage?
SAP is interested in quantum computing and has researchers in this field. But the German company is also careful to point out that quantum computing is not about to replace all of our traditional computing. Perforated cards have almost disappeared 90 years after their first use in the field of statistics. There is a good chance that traditional computing will coexist with quantum computing for many decades. Maybe even forever.

Philippe Nieuwbourg is an independent trainer and analyst, a specialist in data analysis for... Know more about this author

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