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Quantaneo, the Quantum Co Quantaneo, the Quantum Co

Quantum Morning Coffee - 2019/05/24

Featuring China, IBM, and University of Queensland...

May 24th 2019 | 590 readers

Your press review from Quantaneo

When GQ magazine is interested in quantum computing and publishes a full article on the subject... it's clear that we've come out of the universities’ research laboratories. While some countries such as France are still considering the possibility of playing a major role in the development of these technologies… GQ seems to be saying that the cards have already been dealt, and that there is a winner, China. One angle among others: the number of patents filed in 2018 in the field of quantum communications and quantum cryptography, 517 for China, 117 for the United States, and 31 for Europe. When China invests $10 billion, the United States spends $1.2 billion, Great Britain... $80 million, and France, we don't know yet.
For its part, Fortune magazine highlights the progress made by IBM, both at the heart of its quantum machines, but also in their presentation. Fortune highlights the sectors that should benefit most from these emerging technologies : finance, energy and healthcare.
At the University of Queensland, Australia, the quantum dimension is combined with the artistic dimension. On cooled gas near absolute zero, academics were able to project an image. Each image is about the thickness of a hair. Each pixel is represented by about fifty atoms. It may not be useful, but it's beautiful!

Philippe Nieuwbourg is an independent trainer and analyst, a specialist in data analysis for... Know more about this author

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